The essential journalist news source
Live music to provide city soundtrack this weekend Image
Imagine a city soundtracked by music.
20 March 24
Press Release | Botanical works for summer at The Sanctuary Gallery | June 2024 Image
                                                                                     Press Release  19 | 03 | 24BloomA collection of beautiful botanical works for early summer25th May to 28th June 202
19 March 24
Press Release | Rapture Collective's PARADISE at Velarde | 25 May - 6 July Image
                                                                                                         Press Release  18 | 03 | 24Paradise"An uplifting celebration of summer vitality, exquisite
18 March 24
Seb Fontaine Says Majestic Grass Carpet of Caldicott Castle is Coolest Place to dance Seb Fontaine Says Majestic Grass Carpet of Caldicott Castle is Coolest Place to Dance
18 March 24
Disney On Ice presents Dream big skates into Liverpool Disney On Ice presents Dream Big - an action-packedvoyage skates into Liverpool this spring A magical Disney experience for the whole family, featuring Moana, Frozen andother timeless favourites! 
14 March 24
Dathlu 60 mlynedd o efeillio gyda mwy o entente cordiale Image
I lawer o bobl Caerdydd, mae'r Boulevard de Nantes yn un o'r ffyrdd mwyaf mawreddog yng nghanolfan ddinesig urddasol y ddinas – tramwyfa eang â choed ar ei hyd yn cynnwys rhai o'n rhyfeddodau pensaernïol gorau.
12 March 24
60 years of twinning celebrated with more entente cordiale Image
For many Cardiff people, the Boulevard de Nantes is one of the grander roads in the city’s majestic civic centre – a tree-lined, broad thoroughfare flanked by some of our finest architectural wonders.
12 March 24
Cyngor yn cytuno ar ei weledigaeth ar gyfer y tair blynedd nesaf Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cytuno ei Gynllun Corfforaethol, gan amlinellu'r blaenoriaethau a'r nodau y mae wedi'u gosod i’w hun ar gyfer y tair blynedd nesaf a thu hwnt.
08 March 24
Council agrees its vision for next three years Image
Cardiff Council has agreed its Corporate Plan, outlining the priorities and goals it has set itself for the next three years and beyond.
08 March 24
Press Release | Rapture Collective's PARADISE at Velarde | 25 May - 6 July Image
                                                                                                         Press Release  07 | 03 | 24Paradise"An uplifting celebration of summer vitality, exquisite
07 March 24
International Women's Day Indie Author Panel (free, online, 5/3/24) Image
29 February 24
Cyngor yn cytuno ar ei weledigaeth ar gyfer y tair blynedd nesaf Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cyhoeddi ei Gynllun Corfforaethol, gan amlinellu'r blaenoriaethau a'r nodau y mae wedi'u gosod i’w hun ar gyfer y tair blynedd nesaf a thu hwnt.
29 February 24
Council agrees its vision for next three years Image
Cardiff Council has published its Corporate Plan, outlining the priorities and goals it has set itself for the next three years and beyond.
29 February 24
Press Release | Rebecca Styles at Whitewater Contemporary | June 2024 PRESS RELEASE28 | 02 | 24Rebecca Styles | Featured Artist1st to 26th June 2024Rebecca Styles | Lush Summer Lane, 2024, oil on canvasThis June, following on from her Cape Cornwall collection of last au
28 February 24
Dadorchuddio portread yn y Plasty o bencampwr manwerthu Caerdydd Image
Am fwy na 150 mlynedd, roedd siop adrannol James Howell ar Heol Eglwys Fair gyfystyr â'r profiad manwerthu gorau y gallai Caerdydd ei gynnig.
26 February 24
Portrait of Cardiff retail legend unveiled in Mansion House Image
For more than 150 years, James Howell’s department store on St Mary Street was synonymous with the best retail experience Cardiff could offer.
26 February 24